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Man complains about Muslim prayers at McDonald’s outlet <----(klik kepada yang nak baca )
Antara komen balas pembaca mengenai isu ini..
This guy is an idiot!
When it was Chinese New Year, chinese songs lah!
When it was Deepavali, indian songs lah!
When it was Raya or Ramadan, of course Malay songs or prayers lah!
It's part of the festivities after all, don't like it, don't listen!
I'm a non-muslim bydway n I ve no problem at all since I'm living in a multicultural country like Msia.
Do you see any comments made by Muslims when you burn the hell money , burn huge phallic resemblance joss sticks 24 hours dirtying the streets and the acrid smells of those joss sticks choking passers by with asthma , I guess thats tolerance when we get back to our roots dude .
Kepada saudara muslimin dan musliman ,sebagai seorang bukan muslim saya ingin memohon maaf atas pihak Alex Chang yang mengutuk tu. Alex bukan bersuara untuk pihak kami yang bukan Muslim. Kami ok je dgn issue ni. Enjoylah berbuka puasa tanpa was was. Cheers.
Kueh Swee Seng
Ho!!!, Santa Claus is coming to Town.Let us have Featival mood.To take our foods happily is the most important thing.The prayer remind us, we are all very lucky and fortune. See the pity Somalia! Let have our international languages the featival songs.Mr mcdonald,remember the copy right to the prayer.I am a chinese buddhist.Funny, I feel comfortable when the loud prayer from the mosque start their early morning prayer, which remind me, I am still alive and given a chance to post this comment.Bro & Sis,let us enjoy all our foods and have peace and be happy!
Mamu rentap otai
Salam 1Malaysia...rasanya this nonsense thing jadi di Singapore. Baru2 ni sy berbuka di KFC Restoran Jejantas Sg Buloh,along the queue ada seorang chinese ngan family dia, then dia nampak ada muslim belakang dia, he passed his turn to them. That's happen in Malaysia. Multi cultural boleh hidup sini, Singapore x tau la pulak!! Singaporean dah racist. Tapi mungkin dari pak menteri jugak.
Apapun, sini area 1 Malaysia...nak racist, pi tempat lain.
GreenAppleKu : Suka dengan komen Mamu, dah jadi tajuk artikel.
saje nak cetuskan isu racist..aha..
BalasPadamfuhh..memang bikin panas btol..singapore cina monopoli. maybe isu camni bleh timbul..kat Malaysia kalau diorang tak puas hati sekalipon, biasanya diorang senyap je..
BalasPadamCatat Ulasan
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