Nasihat untuk ejen-ejen insuran, please do your job 'betul-betul' sebab jika anda terlepas pandang, cuai, mahupun terlupa, yang bakal mendapat susah adalah penginsurans. Jangan masa hendak promote, kempen bagai hendak 'rak' dan kita yang mendengar rasa betul-betul terjamin. Bila tiba bab kerja, hampas dan menyusahkan banyak orang. Saya tidak labelkan semua ejen macam itu sebab ada ejen yang betul-betul ikhlas dan tahu menjalankan amanah yang dipegangnya. Syabas!!
Satu kes untuk kita share bersama dan jika ini yang terjadi pada kita..apa tindakan anda.
Refer to your letter dated 19th July 2010 (ref. no: XXXXX),we would like to draw your attention to the statement printed on the insurer’s proposal form, namely;
“If you do not fully and faithfully give the facts as you know them or ought to know them, the policy may be invalidated. If you are in any doubt about whether certain facts are material, these facts should be disclosed.”
2. We underline the word ‘MAY’ (and it was not printed as ‘SHALL’) as this denotes that the insurer would have discretions / options on its decisions whether the said policy in invalidated or not. As ‘Bilateral Endometriotic Cysts’ is not related to ‘Hyperthyroidism’, we feel that the insurer should not have invalidated the said policy.
3. Furthermore when we started the policy in 1998, my wife did not suffer for ‘Hyperthyroidism’ as yet and when we renewed the policy several times after (2002 & 2007), we regretted we did not inform the insurer of this development as it was an oversight on our part, as the question was not asked by our agent (ie. Mr. xxxxx) when filling in the forms for us whilst renewing our policy.
4. Therefore we appeal again to you to mediate on this case as ours is just a problem of an oversight by the agent on our part, but the insurer has the discretion to allow our appeal.
Your co-operation in this matter is very much appreciated.
Do not hesitate to contact us if in doubt.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Catat Ulasan
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